
Aliens Exist They’re Just Waiting For One Stupid Thing

Written by Ryan Prost

Whether you know or not the computer you are liking reading this on, considering that even your iPhone is a mini computer these days, is a complex collection of machine parts, the efficiency of which is measured in processing power.

We are essentially talking about aestivation theory, which means alien hibernation theory. The theory goes that an advanced civilization eventually moves from biological constraints to artificial intelligence. Taking this one step further – the AI of today will only be one step of the way in completing replacing human biology with robotic consciousness.

A Quick History Lesson In Computing Processing Power

To understand you have to know what Moore’s Law is. Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, coined the theory in 1975. As of 2018, his prediction is still accurate and upheld by current semiconductor manufacturing.

According to Moore’s Law the number of transistors on a microchip doubles every two years. As a result every couple of years we can expect computers to perform faster and even be cheaper as a result of this relationship of growth in microchip manufacturing.

Aestivation Theory

So now that you are well versed in computer processing power and the history behind its development you can understand why aliens may be betting everything on it.

Enter aestivation theory the idea that aliens exist and they are in a deep hibernation state waiting for the overall temperature of the universe to cool thus increasing the efficiency of computing power.

alien aestivation theory

The universe is hot, radiation from the sun permeates through the many galaxies raising their temperatures. If you have ever had a gaming desktop you can make sense of this idea. The many fans involved are there for a reason, to cool the inner components of the machine.

Now combine the time-proven effects of Moore’s Law with the simple idea of cooling advanced computers. Also add the idea that as civilizations advance they embrace the transition from biology to artificial computing hybrid biology.

Take it one step further and add the revelation, in this theory, that aliens exist and they are waiting for the universe to cool down in order to take advantage of greater processing efficiency in their advanced societies.

All together this leads some to believe that aliens do exist, in advanced technological societies, in deep hibernation waiting for the universe to cool down.

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About the author

Ryan Prost

Ryan is a freelance writer and history buff. He loves classical and military history and has read more historical fiction and monographs than is probably healthy for anyone.


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